
Full Service vs. Bookkeeping
For a fee of $20.00 a custodial parent may become a full-service customer. That means that the child support order entered by the Rhode Island Family Court or another State Court or tribunal will be entered on the Child Support computer system. Once entered, all child support payments must be payable to the Rhode Island Family Court through wage withholding. The child support payment is taken from the employee's wages by the employer and remitted to the Rhode Island Family Court. All payments and all disbursements are also posted for a full record of your case. The child support payments will be deposited on your KIDS Card or you can choose to have the payment(s) directly deposited, which means the payments will be electronically deposited into your designated checking or savings account. You will recieve a KIDS Card welcome packet and must activate your KIDS Card account to access child support payments. Please note: The Office of Child Support Services does not mail checks. When the child support payments are past due, the following enforcement tools will be instituted for a full-service customer when certain conditions are met:
- Credit bureau reporting
- Driver's license suspension
- Passport denial
- Bank liens and other personal property liens
- Real estate liens
- Insurance intercept
- Contempt proceedings
- Lottery intercept
- Income Tax Refund intercept
- Criminal prosecution
These enforcement tools are explained fully under Enforcement. You will be required to keep us informed of your residential and business address at all times as well as any direct payments received by the non custodial parent. Receipt of direct payments from the non-custodial parent without going through the court is not permitted and violates the court order. However, if you do receive a direct payment you must contact this office immediately or complete an affidavit of direct payments and mail it to this office, otherwise the non-custodial parent's account will be incorrect and enforcement will take place inappropriately.
What is a Bookkeeping Only Case?
If the Rhode Island Family Court has issued a child support order for the benefit of your children, and you do not wish to be a full service customer of the Office of Child Support Services, your payments will still be by wage withholding, witheld by the employer and payable to the Rhode Island Family Court. The payments will still be posted on the Office of Child Support Services system called "RI Kids Bridge" and disbursed by the Office of Child Support Services. You will recieve a KIDS Card welcome packet and must activate your KIDS Card account to access child support payments. You may still choose direct deposit if you are a bookkeeping only case. However, no enforcement actions will take place nor can you contact the Office of Child Support Services for assistance in collecting the child support. You must become a full-service customer to do so.
What are the Benefits of Having a Full-service Case?
First and foremost, all enforcement takes place automatically and simultaneously. You do not have to call the agency to request enforcement. It occurs automatically when certain conditions are met.
How do I Become a Full-Service Customer?
For all Rhode Island Child Support cases the Rhode Island Family Court requires that a CSS-1 form be completed and filed with the Family Court. The form must be completed accurately and all requested information is required. On the CSS-1 form you may indicate the service level for your child support case. For any CSS-1 case that is submitted with the "Full Service" service level selected, a Full Service Application for Service is also required, along with the $20.00 check or money order for the application fee.
If you have submitted a CSS-1 form and selected the "Full Service" service level, you MUST also complete a Full Service Application for Services. The CSS-1 form is not considered a child support application.
You may also request an application for services by telephone using our Voice Response System. The Full Service Application for Services is also available thru this website.
Please fill out the application accurately and completely. Incomplete Applications will be returned to the custodial parent and they will not be processed. Send it with a check or money order for $20.00 made payable to The Office of Child Support Services.
You must keep the agency informed of any and all changes in your residential or business address as well as any changes about the non-custodial parent. You may download the change of address form available on this website.