Services Not Available

The Office of Child Support Services:
Does not get involved in visitation, custody or property settlement issues, whether in a divorce action or any other legal proceeding.
Cannot provide OCSS services directly to you if you are a child seeking support from your parents. Your guardian or custodian, however, may seek assistance from us on your behalf.
Every child support case has a State Legal Counsel assigned. The attorney does not provide legal representation to you or the other parent. The attorney that handles your case is representing the State agency (the OCSS) and the interest of the child / children. Legal assistance is available for either party if they qualify. Please contact the Rhode Island Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service to see if you may be eligible.
Does not hire private investigators to determine whether a non-custodial parent may be failing to report all income.
Does not modify the provisions of an existing court order. The terms of a court order can only be modified by a court.
Does not establish or modify orders for spousal support or alimony. We will, however, enforce and collect an alimony order as long as we are enforcing and collecting an accompanying child support order.
Does not enforce orders that are not for a standard amount of money, e.g., orders that call for the payment of a percentage of income.
Does not establish or enforce orders for payment of tuition.